Gavel with trophy next to it

About Me

My Ministry

Releasing People From Bars and Chains is My Ministry

I am called to release people from

Addictive Substances

Poisonous Relationships

Compulsive Behaviors

Physical Restraints

My Concentration of Practice

While Kentucky does not recognized specialties in the practice of law

I concentrate my practice in the areas of criminal defense and domestic relations, and

I concentrate my practice in supporting faith-based ministries in Southeastern Kentucky.

Gavel with law books and person sitting

No One Ever Hired an Attorney to Lose a Case.

If your attorney is not focused on winning, then you need another attorney!

I am focused on winning.  I am not promising I will always win, but I always exercise my best efforts to win.

Gavel striking on coins

But by winning, I mean that I am acting ethically and equitably.

Your attorney must be winning fairly.  If your current attorney

(1) Is manipulating a special advantage he/she has with the judge;

(2) Is dishonest with the court; or

(3) Is dishonest with the opposing party.

He/she will manipulate you and/or be dishonest with you.  You need another lawyer.

2024 @ James Wren Law